Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Tuesday Training September 13th

Tuesday Training September 13th

If you want to learn more about more about getting bigger, stronger faster, I highly recommend you check out http://www.facebook.com/relentlessgym and http://www.relentlessgym.com

1. Standing Overhead Press
worked up to 135lbs 3x5 for 2

2. Bench Press
worked up to an easy single 205x1

3. Kroc Rows
110lbs dumbbell x 30 per side

4. Farm walks (finisher/conditioning)
  1. 145lbs around the gym
  2. 130lbs
  3. 120lbs
  4. 110lbs
  5. 100lbs
  6. 90lbs
  7. 80lbs
  8. 70lbs
  9. 60lbs
  10. 50lbs
  11. 40lbs

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