Monday, 26 September 2011

No Training tomorrow

No training because i need to prepare for piano recital.

Tearing phone books in half for training which doesnt even do much, but its quite fun. Tore them because i was pissed off as well.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Friday Training 9/23/2011

1. Back Squat
Worked up to 3x3 @315lbs

2. Back squats Repping out
    -225x 15 (the 15 reps were easy but i dont know why i didnt continue doing until 20 i regret lol)

3. Farm walks

Worked up to 170lbs dumbbells (heaviest dumbbell in the gym) to walk (PR) was never able to hold the 170lbs but managed to walk with it (major improvement from before)

Video of 145 dumbbell farm walk.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Before and After 1 year and 9 months of powerlifting and strongman training

Since I started Powerlifting, I have adopted this attitude of stepping into the gym and getting stronger as opposed to doing stupid things in the gym which is bullshit and wastes your time. Everytime i set foot in the gym i crush personal goals, getting better NOT getting worse, whether its getting bigger, faster, stronger or leaner. If you are tired of spending meaningless hours in the gym doing stupid shit.

Before Powerlifting combined with strongman training after 1 year and 9 months of powerlifting. This is the best pic of the same pose I can find. I think I have made significant progress in both strength and size in these 21 months. I was a former skinny kid with "shitty genetics" and with hard work i have gotten a lot stronger and bigger. I've gained 43lbs from 145lbs to 188lbs


If you want to learn how to get bigger, stronger i highly recommend you check out and

                     At around 145lbs   5'8"                                        Today (no pump) 188lbs 5'8"


If you are interested in some online coaching for getting bigger, leaner and stronger please email me at or add me on facebook

Monday, 19 September 2011

Tuesday 9/20/2011

Lower Body Training

1. Squat
Worked up to 335x1 (felt a bit shit today)

2. Deadlift

315x5 = total 20 reps with 315lbs

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Sunday 9/18/2001

Lowerbody day

1. Deadlift
worked up to 450lbs (sorry in video i meant 450 not 460)
Using straps to rest thumb from hook grip (got a piano recital coming up cant hurt thumb)


270 x 5
305x 5
345x 5 (video recorded late only captured 3 reps out of 5)

2. Millitary Press


3. Squats
90lbs x 30

4. Dumbbell Swings with 40lbs

55 reps
1. 25reps
2. 15reps


Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Thursday 9/15/2011

Thursday Training

1. Full Free-Squat (PR)

worked up to 375lbs x 1 (PR)

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Tuesday Training September 13th

Tuesday Training September 13th

If you want to learn more about more about getting bigger, stronger faster, I highly recommend you check out and

1. Standing Overhead Press
worked up to 135lbs 3x5 for 2

2. Bench Press
worked up to an easy single 205x1

3. Kroc Rows
110lbs dumbbell x 30 per side

4. Farm walks (finisher/conditioning)
  1. 145lbs around the gym
  2. 130lbs
  3. 120lbs
  4. 110lbs
  5. 100lbs
  6. 90lbs
  7. 80lbs
  8. 70lbs
  9. 60lbs
  10. 50lbs
  11. 40lbs

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Training Outline

Weight Training

My Name is Kim and I will be writing my training log here. I've been on the WS4SB for the past year following the max effort method with the following results.

If you want to learn about getting strong i highly recommend you check out and

Deadlift: 245lbs
Squat: 225lbs

Lifting Status Currently

Deadlift: 460lbs
Squat: 360lbs
Bench: 245lbs

Goals for next year

Bench 300

Deadlift 405lbs hook grip

After Training with the WS4SB I went from 145lbs to 185lbs.

                                                       145lbs                               185lbs